Убежище дикой фауны Манас

Объект всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО (Индия)

На пологих склонах в предгорьях Гималаев, где покрытые лесом холмы соседствуют с тростниковыми зарослями и тропическим лесом, отмечено исключительное разнообразие диких животных, включая множество редких и исчезающих видов, таких как тигр, карликовая дикая свинья, однорогий носорог и индийский слон.

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Отзывы на «Убежище дикой фауны Манас »

Общий рейтинг Гугл (4.3, всего отзывов: 4849). Ниже приведено несколько последних отзывов, полученных от Гугла.

KAMLESH NIKAM, 2020-05-24

Manas National Park, situated in the foothills of Himalaya at about 176-kilometer distance from Guwahati in Assam, is an abode to some of the most astounding wildlife species. Not only a National Park, it is also tiger reserve, a wildlife sanctuary and a Biosphere reserve.. ????
Som Raj Tripathi, 2020-05-02

This is why I wanted to go there, one horned rhinoceroses, herds of elephants wondering around here and there, wild buffalos, monkeys, birds of different colors and species, mountains, valleys, rains and various kinds of trees. In a single safari you get a chance to see all these and many more things. This place provides no reason to hate it. Truly heaven. Awesome.
Vittesh Dadia, 2020-04-18

Amazing Place. Peaceful place.Manas National Park is full with Biodiversity. About 150 bird spices found here. Some of them are rare and endemic bird species. In the national park there is a place called"Mathanguri" near to manas river is for lunch and stay in side the National park. There is also large place for parking. This place is accessible for wheelchair.Easy to drive here in car.
Genius Goswami, 2020-03-11

Manas National Park has a beautiful Landscape. Lovely Atmosphere of Here & Get to See Some of the beautiful Birds Species & Mammal. As Wildlifer had Amazing experience to have Lifers of Different Species that i had never seem before. Saw One Horned Rhino at Entrance While start the Trip in Manas National Park.
Driux, 2020-01-29

Really good. Great place to visit. Got to see a lot of animals from rhinos to peacocks. Great scenery. Feels good to ride in a jeep with the top off. Great experience overall. Had a great time. Stayed overnight with the sounds of the river and the chirping of the birds. You could hear the wind at night. The wind was very strong and it felt good staying there at night. Good place to visit with all of your family and friends. If you are a photographer it's a place for you. Good place overall. Must visit. Hope this helps.

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