Древний город Техте-Солейман

Объект всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО (Иран)

Археологический комплекс Техте-Солейман расположен на северо-западе Ирана, в одной из долин гористого вулканического района. Объект включает главное зороастрийское святилище, частично перестроенное в период власти ильханов (монголов) в ХIII в., а также храм Сасанидского периода VI-VII вв., посвященный богу Анахите, и имеет большое символическое значение. Конструкция храма огня и дворца, а также общая планировка комплекса оказали большое влияние на развитие исламской архитектуры.

Категория: Культурный
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Отзывы на «Древний город Техте-Солейман »

Общий рейтинг Гугл (4.7, всего отзывов: 854). Ниже приведено несколько последних отзывов, полученных от Гугла.

rasool hassani, 2020-03-10

تخت سلیمان محوطه ای باستانی است شامل چند كاخ ساسانی و آتشكده آذرگشنسب.در نزدیكی ‌آن دو مجموعه باستانی دیگر به نامهای زندان سلیمان و تخت بلقیس قرار دارد.در اطراف زندان سلیمان آثاری از دوره مادها و سكاها بدست آمده و بر اساس این كشفیات تاریخ منطقه را به هزار سال پیش از میلاد نسبت می دهند.برخی تاریخ نویسان این مكان را محل تولد زرتشت دانسته اند كاخ ساسانی در زمین مرتفعی واقع است كه در پیرامون آن دریاچه عمیق بیضی شكلی قرار دارد.شمال دریاچه آتشكده آذر گشنسب بر پا بوده و آتش آن تا قرن چهارم هجری روشن بوده است و از آن به عنوان یكی از سه آتشكده مهم ساسانی یاد می شود - آذر فرنبغ،آذر برزین،آذر گشنسب -این محل در قرن هفتم هجری به صورت اقامتگاه تابستانی ایلخانان مغول در آمد .از این آتشكده به نام آتشكده شیز نیز یاد شده است
Davoud Dehghan, 2020-02-03

A truly magnificent Sassanid archaeological site both in terms of history and nature. The fire temple and palaces have been built skillfully on a volcanic mountain. This site provides excellent understanding of the main Zoroastrian sanctuary and Persian royal history. It’s also a wonderful place for families to go sightseeing.
Moh Far, 2020-01-22

It's a must see world heritage site. Best time to visit is in the middle of spring. It is beautiful in snow as well. If you have time, there is an easy trek to the nearest Hill top to see the watch post
AndresRafael StefaniSucre, 2020-05-18

?Takht-e Soleyman? ⚫Takht-e Soleyman (“Throne of Solomon”) is situated on a remote plain surrounded by mountains in northwestern Iran’s West Azerbaijan province. ⚫It was recognized as a World Heritage Site in July 2003. ⚫At the site’s heart is a fortified oval platform rising about 60 metres above the surrounding plain and measuring about 350 m by 550 m. ⚫On this platform are an artesian lake, a Zoroastrian fire temple, a temple dedicated to Anahita (the divinity of the waters), and a Sasanian royal sanctuary. ⚫The fire temple is the place to worship Zoroastrians. ⚫In the Zoroastrian religion, fire together with clean water are agents of ritual purity. An artesian lake and a volcano are essential elements of Takht-e Soleyman. ⚫This site was destroyed at the end of the Sasanian era, but was revived and partly rebuilt in the 13th century.
A Firoozabadi, 2020-05-21

One of the best places to visit in June. archaeological site. The fortified site, which is located on a hill created by the outflow of a calcium-rich spring pond. The citadel includes the remains of Adur Gushnasp, a zoroastrian fire temple built during the Sassanid period and partially rebuilt (as a mosque) during the Ilkhanid period. This temple housed one of the three "Great Fires" or "Royal Fires" that Sassanid rulers humbled themselves before in order to ascend the throne. The fire at Takht-i Soleiman was called Adur Gushnasp and was dedicated to the arteshtar or warrior class of the Sasanid. A 4th century. Armenian manuscript relating to Jesus and Zarathustra, and various historians of the islamic period, mention this pond. The foundations of the fire temple around the pond is attributed to that legend. Takht-E Soleyman appears on the 4th century