Место охоты на бизонов - «Хэд-Смешт-Ин-Баффало-Джамп-Комплекс»

Объект всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО (Канада)

На юго-западе провинции Альберта обнаружены старые маркированные погонные тропы, а также следы лагерей аборигенов и могильники с огромным количеством бизоньих скелетов. Всё это свидетельства традиционных приемов охоты коренных жителей Северной Америки, применяемых ими на протяжении почти 6 тыс. лет. Используя свое хорошее знание местности и поведения бизонов, индейцы подгоняли их к крутому обрыву, с которого те падали и разбивались насмерть. Затем туши разделывались в расположенных внизу лагерях.

Категория: Культурный
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Место охоты на бизонов - «Хэд-Смешт-Ин-Баффало-Джамп-Комплекс» на карте

Отзывы на «Место охоты на бизонов - «Хэд-Смешт-Ин-Баффало-Джамп-Комплекс» »

Общий рейтинг Гугл (4.6, всего отзывов: 925). Ниже приведено несколько последних отзывов, полученных от Гугла.

Brandon Tarasoff, 2020-03-02

Yesterday my partner and I experienced the great pleasure of this one-of-a-kind place. We were warmly welcomed and given amazing land-based stories of times past by an Indigenous guide Little Leaf. I am grateful for the opportunity to experience this precious place, which is so rich in mystery. Thank you Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump for all that you do for Alberta and Canada as a whole.
cree falcon, 2020-03-10

We had a private tour guide who really knew the history of this historic site. He answered all our questions and even gave a little more. We watched a short film on how this place started and why, it’s bit of an old film but still good. There are elevators for those who cannot climb stairs. They also did a performance outside infront of the entrance of the aboriginal dances in the area and explained what each dance meant. There are a lot of sculptures of animals and teepees. On the top floor, you can walk outside and see the actual spot of where the Buffalo would jump off of. And if you want to pick sage, just ask one of the workers and they will show you where you can pick it.
onestonedsun ., 2020-03-02

What an amazing place! We learned so much about the land and people's history during our visit. I will absolutely be back to take one of Little Leaf's walks, he was incredibly knowledgeable, and fun too.
Mike M, 2019-09-01

Interesting place to go and learn about some of Alberta's indigenous history. Good trail walk and the interpretive centre has a good mix of videos and exhibits. You can also do a short trail hike at the and see the top of the cliff. The views of the prairies are beautiful! There's also a shuttle from the parking lot to the centre but it is also easily walkable. If you want to take your time there then you can probably spend about 2 hours there.
Mark Haskell, 2020-03-23

Well worth a detour to go here. Not only is there a great view from the cliff, but the museum gives good insight to the Plains Indians and the longnhistory of the Buffalo Jump site.