Археологический объект Тхимлич Охинга

Объект всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО (Кения)

Этот объект находится на северо-востоке от города Мигори в районе озера Виктория. Он представляет укрепленное каменное сооружение, построенное методом сухой кладки, вероятно, в XVI веке нашей эры. По-видимому, укрепленное сооружение или строительный комплекс Охинга использовался для обеспечения безопасности общин и охраны домашнего скота. Он также определял социальные отношения и образование кланов в системе родственных связей. Тхимлич Охинга является самым крупным и наиболее сохранившимся из существующих традиционных строительных комплексов. Это выдающийся пример сборного массивного строительства методом сухой каменной кладки, характерной для ранних скотоводческих общин в бассейне озера Виктория и практиковавшейся с XVI до середины XX века.

Категория: Культурный
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Отзывы на «Археологический объект Тхимлич Охинга»

Общий рейтинг Гугл (4.4, всего отзывов: 26). Ниже приведено несколько последних отзывов, полученных от Гугла.

Rhoda Ojwang, 2019-08-22

Great historical place to visit. Kid friendly. There are nature trials that you can follow and bird watch. Picnic area being put up soon.
Murungi Igweta, 2019-10-09

This archaeological site is now world recognized as top 100 most delicate. UN has recently come in and the museum is growing up so fast in popularity as a destination point. The 600 years old stone walls built as fortresses against cattle raiders probably by Luhya or Kisii tribesman has four homesteads: Kaluoch, Kakuku, Kachieng and Kakech. Each homestead has various unique features, and sizes. Each has cattle bomas and multiple gates except Kakuku to the West that has only one gate. The museum has also constructed a typical Luo homestead of a polygamist. Which is the huts seen in entry. They also have a Luo traditional granary for storing grains or cereals. There's a multipurpose Hall on the grounds as well. The plans are underway to construct a resource center and a hotel on the facility. This is a report we got from the curator on the 7th of October 2019. The other Wonderful features of the museum is the 800 metres nature trail. It affords wonderful fauna and flora as the habit is so virgin and serene. There is a troop or two of velvet monkeys jumping from tree to tree. Bird watchers would not be disappointed either for there are hundreds of different species of birds. In the morning they wake up their guests with sweet melodies of chirping and singing from their rich repertoire. From my visit earlier in the year I noticed a number of improvement as they have recently put up a toilet block with modern toilets. The grounds have very lush lawns and would be a perfect place to shoot a wedding photo session for the locals. It would be worthy effort to short an epic documentary as well. The major disappointment is the poor state of the road to Thimlich Ohinga, Archaeological site. The government need to improve the quality of the road if any and many could be encouraged to visit such a museum. From here to lake Victoria is 25 kilometers only.
Stanley Makori Mochache, 2019-07-20

A very good place to tour for historical sites
Mercy Ojwang'-Kinyua, 2019-08-21

Incredible history and architecture.
Hamdan Mohamed, 2020-01-08

Archaeological remains of an advanced community in Kenya.