Международный аэропорт Сулеймания (Ирак)

Sulaimaniyah International Airport
Расположениев 12 км западнее от центра Сулеймании
Дата открытия21 июля 2006
Высота НУМ+737 м

Сулеймания (араб. مطار سلێمانی دولي‎) (ИАТА: ISU, ИКАО: ORSU) — международный аэропорт на востоке Ирака (Курдистан), обслуживающий город Сулеймания. Является одним из молодых в стране и Ближнем Востоке. Строительство аэропорта началось в ноябре 2003 года, а для выполнения перевозок был открыт 20 июля 2005 года.

Технические характеристики

Аэропорт располагает одной искусственной взлётно-посадочной полосой из армобетона. Её длина составляет 3500 метров, ширина — 45 метров. Курсо-глиссадная система посадки и навигации: ILS/DME и VOR.

«Сулеймания» имеет три терминала: прибытия, отправления и для VIP-персон. Они рассчитаны обслуживать 1,5 млн. пассажиров в год. Есть возможность увеличить пассажиропоток до 3 миллионов.

Источник информации: Wikipedia

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Отзывы на «Аэропорт Сулеймания»

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payraw qadir, 2015-09-08

Shary sharan slaymane
akar muhammad, 2020-04-05

The construction of the airport began in November 2003, and it was inaugurated in July 2005. International flights were shut down from 29 September 2017 following a decision taken by the Iraq Civil Aviation Authority (ICAA), but the airport remained open for domestic and humanitarian flights.The international flight ban was lifted in March 2018.
Sarah White, 2020-08-02

The manger can’t mange airport properly . on the. website not giving much information to the traveler or anything . I had flight to there yesterday we been told we couldn’t fly to Selmani airport because we need to hold Covid-19 PCR test before we enter the airport, We been told by Qatar airways manger they had a text massage from sulemani airport said they won’t do PCR test at the airport on the arrival they doesn’t have that facility to do the test , everybody should got the test done from incoming countries, that’s fair enough they no doing the test at airport but they can at lest announce it on the website for the traveler to know about it before travel to there or they could of tell Qatar airways to notify the traveler before we got to manchestar airport. We were about 100 passengers we were very frustrated there was lots children and old people there , traveler to erbil airport they hadn’t had no problem , we had a family with us They were travelling to erbil they didn’t had the test they flew to erbil they got the test done in erbil airport on the arrival and they said erbil airport very organised and good . I changed my ticket to erbil airport now I will be fly to there on Monday . Never ever going to Slemani airport again ,
mezin hesen, 2020-08-06

The immigration control are disrespectful, make you tired. Their service is poor. They check you 9 times. Definitely they are not well trained.
Danya Danoka, 2020-04-04

LanayTewar Organization for Sustainable Devlopment

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