Международный аэропорт Гамильтон/Джон С. Монро (Канада)

John C. Munro Hamilton International Airport
Дата открытия1940
Высота НУМ+238 м
Время работыкруглосуточно

Международный аэропорт Гамильтон/Джон С. Монро, — третий по пассажиропотоку после аэропорта Пирсона и аэропорта Билли Бишопа аэропорт Большого Торонто (Канада). Расположен около города Гамильтон (в 11 километрах к югу от него). Международный код аэропорта: YHM. В 1999 году аэропорт обслужил всего 23 тыс. человек. В 2003 году данный аэропорт уже обслуживал 1,150 млн человек. По сравнению с аэропортом Пирсона Гамильтон предлагает более дешёвые услуги, что и явилось причиной быстрого роста пассажиропотока.

Аэропорт расположен в 65 километрах от центра Торонто.

Источник информации: Wikipedia

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Отзывы на «Аэропорт Гамильтон»

Общий рейтинг Гугл (4, всего отзывов: 453). Ниже приведено несколько последних отзывов, полученных от Гугла.

Lina Cellucci, 2020-07-30

This airport is worth the drive. Its is always a stress free departure and arrival. One door in one door out, right near the highway and easy to get to. The only thing that's missing is a decent hotel close by. Not sure why no one got a jump in that.
Greg Magri, 2019-06-06

Took a tour of the Hamilton Heritage War Plane museum and was truly amazed! Had a virtual reality experience of flying behind the lines in Germany and was blown away. Utilizing actual voice communications from a world war 2 bombing raid a virtual experience was put together. You feel like you’re actually riding in the belly of the Lancaster bomber. Staff were very friendly and knowledgeable. A cheap and informative afternoon for the entire family. Highly recommend a day here.
Ryan Burgener, 2020-06-19

Amazing airport. Great clean facility. Fast check in. Everything nice and close without miles of walking like other airports. Always my go to airport!
Amy Urquhart, 2020-02-26

Parking is easy, right outside the terminal. Checking in with Swoop for our flight to Orlando was also a simple process, with minimal wait. There are washrooms and a Tim Horton’s on both sides of the security area. Additional food options are available after security. Passengers flying to the States do not go through customs here (unlike Pearson). Terminal is large and bright. Be prepared to walk outdoors in order to board your flight! There is a duty free shop after the security check point, as well.
Randy Vermeer, 2020-07-18

Nice small airport. Everything is easy. Not busy. Easy parking close to terminal (found it a bit overpriced though). Check in and security were both a breeze. A bit of a pain if the weather's bad since there are no jetways and you need to walk out on the tarmac and walk up the stairs/ramp.