Международный аэропорт Мангалур <br /> ಮಂಗಳೂರು ಅಂತರರಾಷ್ಟ್ರೀಯ ವಿಮಾನ ನಿಲ್ದಾಣ (Индия)

Mangalore International Airport
Дата открытия1951
Высота НУМ103 м.

Международный аэропорт Мангалур (англ. Mangalore International Airportt) (ИАТА: IXE, ИКАО: VOML) — аэропорт в Индии, расположен в 13 километрах от города Мангалур. Это второй международный аэропорт в штате Карнатака, после Бангалора. Из аэропорта Мангалур летают самолёты в города Индии, а также на Ближний Восток. Аэродром был открыт 25 декабря 1951 года. По состоянию на 2014 год, Аэропорт Мангалур имеет самый высокий рост пассажиропотока в Индии — 54 %. Первый международный рейс был совершён в 2006 году, когда авиакомпания Air India Express начала рейсы в Дубай.

В 2010 году после катастрофы самолёта авиакомпании Air India Express Министерство гражданской авиации Индии объявило о расширении взлётно-посадочной полосы до 2740 метров, а также о решении модернизировать аэропорт.

Источник информации: Wikipedia

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Отзывы на «Международный аэропорт Мангалур»

Общий рейтинг Гугл (3.9, всего отзывов: 1857). Ниже приведено несколько последних отзывов, полученных от Гугла.

Prateek YT, 2020-07-28

I travelled during pandemic times and considering the situation, Mangalore airport made very nice arrangements. To begin with, in order to enter the airport there was a long queue due to social distance and temperature check formalities but was inside the terminal sooner than anticipated. Check-in took a long time and this is where airport staff should work more efficiently. Though when I was through, security check was also conducted thoroughly. Here though, there is a lot of scope for Mangalore airport to conduct staff professionalism training, remember it’s an domestic airport and fourth gate way to Bangalore. The cleaning staff and boarding staff were professional and maintained decorum of the house. Overall Mangalore airport is doing a good job, just work on polishing all your staff members and it will indeed be a great airport.
Sangita Sasikumar, 2020-07-10

The only advantage of this airport is it's empty all the time and you would never have to worry about the line for security check. Not many outlets to eat from and the place sometimes just gives you a not so lively vibe. The pigeons flying around once in a while are an entertainment. The parking system at the airport is still not clear because if you enter the paid parking unintentionally but don't park and get out of the place in less than a minute, they still charge you. What am I exactly paying for if I'm not parking?
Narendra Doshi, 2020-08-09

'Table -Top' airstrip on a hill flat area. While there have been some aviation incidents at these airports, it was the accident in Mangaluru on May 22, 2010, that highlighted operational risks. Here, an Air India Express flight again, from Dubai to Mangaluru, overran the runway while landing on runway 24. Flight IX-812 hit an antenna and then went down a steep embankment after which there was a fire. Of the 160 passengers and 6 crew, 158 lost their lives.
prasad gundmi, 2020-08-22

Its good and secure.. Im very satisfyed..
Rama Nagaram, 2019-12-30

Unique Airport. On top of a hill. You need to drive up the hill. It is also called Table-top-Airport. Landing and takeoff are considered challenging as there is no scope to overshoot the runway. Sufficient parking just in front of the terminal. Compact and well maintained airport. Does not take much time to pass through security at main entrance and near gates.

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