Ресторан Manfreds [Копенгаген]

The Manfreds & Vin/Manfreds
Отлично подходит для любителей натуральной и экологически чистой еды. Главное в меню — это всевозможные овощи. Повара делают с ними действительно интересные вещи.


Кухня: европейская, датская.

Ресторан Manfreds & Vin отлично подходит для любителей натуральной и экологически чистой еды. Главное в меню — это всевозможные овощи. Повара делают с ними действительно интересные вещи.

Свекла, капуста, морковь, брокколи и многое другое входит почти в каждый пункт меню. Одним из шедевров Manfreds & Vin является тартар с овощным соусом и непревзойденные яйца Бенедикт с веточкой фенхеля.

Заказать можно как рекомендованное блюдо от шеф-повара, так и набор из 4 или 8 блюд. 8 блюд идеально подходят для тех, кто хочет попробовать всего понемногу. Винная карта располагает более 60 видами вин, среди них советуем попробовать местное датское вино, которое довольно сильно отличается от французского или итальянского.

Показать больше

Домой вы можете заказать домашнюю колбасу, овечий сыр или готовое тесто для пирогов.

Это скорее паб, т.к. акцент сделан на напитки, но есть и два меню — дегустационное и основное, меняющееся, состоящее из 5-7 позиций. Как раз то место, куда приходишь, устав от сложной еды.

Источник информации: newlava.ru/interesnyie-mesta

 Адрес: Jægersborggade 40, 2200 København
 Телефон(ы): +45 36 96 65 93

Достопримечательности рядом

Ресторан Relæ | Парк «Суперкилен» | Ресторан Киин Киин
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Отзывы на ««Ресторан Manfreds»» (Копенгаген)

Общий рейтинг Гугл (4.2, всего отзывов: 738). Ниже приведено несколько последних отзывов, полученных от Гугла.

JMT Official, 2020-01-27

A lot of small dishes to share while drinking amazing wines. Delicious recipes full of creativity made from vegetables and meat taken from their own farm. Great service and friendly atmosphere.
Edoardo Crosara, 2020-03-03

Sono stato invitato nel novembre 2019 da un mio amico che vive a Copenhagen a provare insieme a lui uno dei percorsi di degustazione che propone questo ristorante gestito da italiani. Oltre alla sorpresa di trovare una nostra compaesana a lavorare nel ristorante, ciò che veramente mi ha sorpreso è la qualità e la ricercatezza del menù che va a sfruttare appieno ciò che la cucina danese ha da proporre, strizzando un occhio alla cucina fusion. I piatti che abbiamo provato nella nostra degustazione, per lo più composti da verdure, sono stati un tripudio di sapori! Ottima la tartare che ha aperto le danze e spettacolare il cavolo nero con maiale (piatto che ancora oggi sogno la notte). Se il menù era composto di circa 7 portate sono riuscito a recuperare delle foto dei piatti "integri" solo di 3 di essi, poiché non ero riuscito, al tempo, ad attendere di fare una bella foto prima di dare una bella forchettata al piatto. Se decidete di passare qualche giorno a Copenhagen, città incantevole dal fascino nordico, trovate il tempo di passare da Manfreds, non ve ne pentirete.
Luca Fauciglietti, 2020-02-08

Their passion for local food and pairing of flavours is extraordinary. The stuff is super lovely and the atmosphere is the new industrial chic. Plates are expensive but considering it is Copenaghen for a restaurant it is just slightly more of what you would spend for a dinner out, with much higher quality and variety. I highly suggest to take the taster of 5 plates. You will definitely be full at the end and will have tried everything on the menu.
Karolina ., 2020-01-26

I love their passion for food and ingredients they’re using. Service was above average and ambient is really cool. We’ve had veggie menu and in my opinion it was not a balanced meal. We were a bit disappointed as we only had vegetables on our table, there was something missing. I love veggies but how much fiber can you eat at once? Nevertheless, it was a nice experience.
Daniel Tenner, 2019-07-20

The food was good, though definitely not comfort food (for a vegan at least!)... it was very simple and clean and I guess that’s ok, but definitely not mind-blowing. The main reason for 3 stars is that the service was really not great before we got a table, and not so good after, even! We tried to book a table, but they wouldn’t take reservations on the phone, and directed us to the website, and also said we probably didn’t need a reservation... However, the website gave an error. So we just turned up. We were told 15m wait. 15m later we were told 2m more. Then another 10m later we were told 2m more. Then about 40m after we arrived, I was a bit frustrated so I asked for more clarity, and finally they found us a table immediately (?? How long was that table free?). Then when we ordered the food (only 3 dished on the menu were vegan), there was a very long gap between the raw and cooked food. Unluckily I had all the raw dishes, so that meant I was eating alone for a good 10-15m and had finished my first two dishes by the time my friend’s dishes arrived. Add to that that the drinks menu is not much fun unless you drink wine - they don’t even have a caffeine free tea - and that justified the 3 stars in my view...

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